Famously known as the birthplace of Maratha king Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, this 17th century fort located near Junnar on the northern side of Pune district, holds an important place in the history of Maharashtra. The fort has a statue of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj as a child, as he only lived here for the first six years of his life.


While time and weather have made their mark on the fort over the years, it is still standing strong, if somewhat in ruins. The Ambarkhana or Dhanyakothi ruins, an erstwhile granary, are definitely worth studying. Further in, twin underground water tanks known as the Ganga-Jamuna cisterns are another interesting feature. The Badami talav, a huge circular tank, which used to hold water, is at the centre of the fort. The Shiv mandir stands at the spot where Shivaji was born. Towards the north is the Kadelot Point, a cliff where criminals were given capital punishment – their hands in cuffs, they were shoved down into the valley to certain death. Today, it is a good viewing point to see the Manikdoh Dam, the Hadsar Fort and the Chavand Fort, as well as Narayangad, Lenyadri Hill, among others.

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