Rightly named so, Deer Park in Gangtok is home to herds of spotted deer and antelopes. It was established in the 1950s, and since then, deer from all over Sikkim and neighbouring states are brought to this sanctuary. The park stands on a ridge on the side of the New Secretariat, and has designated trails that visitors can use to spot deer in their natural habitat.Apart from deer, one can find animals like the red panda, Himalayan bear and others in protected enclosures. The park also has a statute of Lord Buddha, where he is seen preaching truths to his disciples. In front of the statue, a butter lamp glows continuously on a bed of colourful flowers. This particular statue resembles Lord Buddha’s first sermon at the Deer Park in Sarnath, Uttar Pradesh, and represents his reincarnation as a musk deer. The serene surroundings of the park make it a great spot for one to spend time in the arms of nature. It also known as Rustamji Park, named after Rustamji, one of the dewans of the Chogyal family of Sikkim. Rustamji is also the acclaimed author of the much loved book "Enchanted Frontiers". 

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