A conglomeration of two small villages named Sana and Sar, Sanasar, also known a mini Gulmarg, is located on the outskirts of Patnitop, and is one of the remotest towns in India. The mountain range in the shadow of which this small town lies is known as Shanta Ridge. Here, you will find the Shanta Gala, a pass that offers uninterrupted vistas of the picturesque Panchari Valley below. This pass also allows visitors access to the village of Lander.


A short walk away from Sanasar lies the Shank Pal Ridge, at the top of which lies the Shank Pal Temple, almost 400 years old and constructed at an altitude of 2,800 m. The unique aspect of this temple is that no mortar has been used to join the stones.


One can also rent small huts surrounded by lush green deodar trees and enjoy the natural beauty of the place. The cup-shaped meadow has a golf course if you want to try your hand at the sport. Adventure sports enthusiasts can visit this place to indulge in activities like paragliding, rock climbing, abseiling, paragliding, parasailing and hot-air ballooning. Another highlight of Sanasar is horseback riding.

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