Since Sikkim is not too expansive area-wise, one's best bet to explore any of its cities is on a mountain bike, a favourite among lovers of adventure. Recognising the rise in demand for this activity, the state has introduced a plethora of cycling tours starting from Gangtok. While a few are at moderate level, some routes require a lot of skill, so it is important to speak to those who have done this before to understand where you stand in terms of expertise. Some of the more common and recommended mountain biking routes from Gangtok take you to Hanuman Tok and Rumtek. The latter is as thrilling as it is difficult, and will bring you to the tea gardens of Temi. You can go further up from Temi to reach Tashiding monastery. One can take the following routes if Gangtok is their starting point: • Gangtok- Rumtek- Sang- Sirwani- Temi- Damthang- Rabong- Kewzing- Tashiding- Yusum- Pelling- Dentam- Rinchenpong- Soreng- Sombaria- Jorthang- Namchi- Rangpo. • Gangtok- Phodong- Rangrang- Dikchu Makha- Sirwani- Temi. • Gangtok- Rumtek- Sangh- Sirwani- Temi- Namchi- Jorethang- Mell • Gangtok- Rumtek- Sang- Sirwani- Temi- Namchi- Namthang- Rangpo