Puducherry is largely associated with Sri Aurobindo and his teachings, and Sri Aurobindo Ashram is a popular spiritual retreat. The ashram was founded in 1926 and was home to Sri Aurobindo himself, as well as Mother Mirra, during the course of their lives. Located on Rue de la Marine, it is one of the wealthiest ashrams in the country, and is seen as an amalgamation of spiritual knowledge of yoga and modern science. Sri Aurobindo founded the ashram when he was fleeing British persecution and arrived in Puducherry to find a haven. Here, he found the spiritual power of yoga and went on to inspire many with his writings.


Under his and the Mother's influence, the ashram has grown from a mere two dozen disciples to almost 2,000 members today. Run and maintained voluntarily by devotees who live in a network of inter-connected homes provided by the ashram, this place is a sanctuary of amity and harmony, with colourful flowers and plants dotting the simplistic yet astoundingly beautiful place. In the centre, lies the samadhi, a white marble shrine where Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were laid to rest. Visitors are allowed to sit by the samadhi and meditate for as long as they like, or even browse through the literature on Sri Aurobindo and Auroville that is available here. However, cell phones are strictly not allowed and talking is discouraged.

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