Batik Print uses a technique where hot and melted wax is used for resistant-dyeing. Lines or dots are drawn where you want to avoid the dye colour from spreading on the garment. At those spots, wax is applied with a brush or a pen, usually a spouting tool called tjanting/canting is used; for large and broad patterns alternatively a stiff brush is used. There is another drawing technique that uses stamps where the patterns are broad and very simple. The patterns need to be drawn on both sides of the garment. The cloth is first washed and then beaten with a mallet. After the patterns have been drawn on it, the cloth undergoes dyeing in a colour of one's choice. The wax is then removed with boiling water. After the resist is removed, the original colour of the garment forms a stark contrast to the dyed, coloured area. Since the wax resists the dye, the end result is a stunning garment with creative and intricate patterns. The process is repeated several times depending on the desired colour. The traditional type of design is called batik tulis written batik. Batik Prints are very popular in the holy city of Ujjain.